Hafenhotel Meereszeiten GmbH
Am Yachthafen - 23774 Heiligenhafen
Phone: 04362-500 500
E-Mail: info@hafenhotel-meereszeiten.de
Commercial Register: Lübeck Local Court HRB 11056 - Tax No.: 22/298/1818 4 - VAT ID No. DE280606263
Managing Director: Jan Niklas Fröhlich
We have had our good brand name protected. Our trademark application was handled by Prehm & Klare Rechtsanwälte, who are active in trademark law. Meereszeiten® is a registered trademark.
Protect logo: www.logo-schuetzen.de
Trademark application: www.markenservice.net/leistungen/markenanmeldung.html
Trademark law: www.markenservice.net/
We broker travel insurance policies with the status of a license-exempt ancillary broker in accordance with Section 34d (8) No. 1 of the German Trade Regulation Act (GewO)].
Complaints office for disputes with
insurance intermediaries:
Versicherungsombudsmann e.V.
P.O. Box 08 06 32,
10006 Berlin
Photos Fotolia.com: Conferences: Rido; Bar, boutiques: Kzenon; Breakfast: Printemps;
Arrangement Indulgence Plus: ©Wayhome Studio - stock.adobe.com
Photos - Freepik.com
Hotel photos:
Heike Albrecht, www.photographie-albrecht.de
Patricia Hansen, www.p-hansenphoto.de
Realization: Kay Czucha, czucha.de